Sunday, April 5, 2009

Special Request

Barbie Doll cake
RM300 for 2.5 kilo cake

Sesame, insisted by my friend that i made this for her son, apart
from the dinasour cake somewhere down here

This one specially made for Marcus, a true fan of power rangers

Bday boy is so happy.

It's Ali turns 2!!

Quite rare request but i managed to pull my thoughts together
to make this Twilight themed cupcakes come true, the girl Nadia Crowe loved it.

Spiderman first attempt


  1. Nolee..aku ada order utk hang...cupcake...
    nanti aku call..orite?

    "support nolee!!! yay!!"

  2. yay norli!!! i will order same dinosaur cake for my son, yassin! he wanted the head part that day but never got it! haha!
